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Distance: 14 miles (7.01 miles out & back)
Total Ascent: 350 ft
Starting point south: Grass Valley Park
Starting point north: Goodwin Rd. lot
Mid-point alternate parking: Lacamas Heritage Park
Route Summary
- A couple of non-trivial hills might make this ride unsuitable for some
- The Lake Rd. hill requires riding in traffic for a bit, not the best route
- Lacamas Lake trail is crowded on nice days
- North end parking lot fills up quickly, use either the mid-point lot or Grass Valley Park
- Easy to add distance on the south end through the neighborhoods
- If the Lacamas trail is empty, you can just ride it out – back – out – back for 14 miles (it’s 3.5 miles from end to end)
- Bathrooms and water available at all 3 parking lots, sometimes closed in winter
Grass Valley Park parking Lacamas Lake Lacamas Lake trail Lacamas Lake trail west end Lacamas Lake trail west end Lacamas Lake trail west end parking Lake Rd. hill, bike lane on uphill side only Lake Rd. hill Lake Rd. hill Near Grass Valley Park Near Grass Valley Park Near Grass Valley Park Near Grass Valley Park Near Grass Valley Park Lacamas boat ramp parking Lacamas Lake trail Lacamas Lake trail Lacamas Lake trail